Lahore: Cash on Delivery(COD), Online bank transfer, EasyPaisa, JazzCash

Other cities: Online bank transfer, EasyPaisa, JazzCash

Yes, we offer home deliveries in all cities of Pakistan. Additionally, you can also find our retail range at various stores in different cities.

In order to ensure no cross contamination takes place in our gluten free products, we at the moment do not offer any returns or exchanges as a safety precaution.

 On the other hand, if you receive something different from what you ordered, damaged products, or their was a mistake on our behalf, we do offer refunds at the customer’s discretion.

Same day for Lahore, 1-2 days for other cities. It may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances such as fog.

For Lahore, all items. For other cities; biscuits, essentials such as bread, flours, mithai, snacks, and other dry items.

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